#Goals. Are you setting them?

Goals. We all know we should set them. But do we?

Time and time again we get told that the setting goals will attribute to our success. Goals are there to drive us, to help our productivity, to ensure we succeed. Studies show that individuals that write their goals down are 42% more likely to achieve their goals.  This goes up to 78% when we share the goal with a friend. So why are you still not setting any goals?

Setting goals should not be a yearly set and forget activity. Setting goals shouldn’t strictly be for performance appraisals. If you want to further your career, improve your health, increase your happiness, excel your education you need to be setting goals! Not just goals but SMART goals!

This blog isn’t to tell you what SMART goals are. We should all know that (and if you don’t perhaps that is it blog post for the future).

This blog is to give you a kick in the butt and really get you thinking about how much you want something and how you can realistically achieve it (hint – set goals). So here are a few of my top tips for setting and achieving goals:

1.    Break it down  

When setting a goal you need to have a clear outcome, however it is the small steps and consistent actions that will allow you to achieve the bigger picture. Think about breaking your goal up. If it’s running a 10KM race your actions can consist of firstly researching a running coach, buying new running shoes, then committing to running 3 times per week. And breaking the goal into milestones (eg 2km,5km,7km etc). These actions are smaller and more achievable. Action is progress, and after all a goal without a plan is just a wish!

2.    Celebrate the small stuff

Make sure you celebrate the milestones as you progress. With long term goals it is really important to sit back and reflect. Take time to appreciate the awesome job you have done and to remind yourself ‘yes I can do this!’.  

3.    The goal posts do shift

We all live extraordinarily busy lives and commitments change. Remember that your goals need to be tweaked with this. Goals are not static and they should continuously be tailored to your circumstance. This means accounting for development and growth.

4.    Keeping on track can be easy

To make setting goals easy get a kick ass migoals diary! The layout is phenomenal for keeping track of where you are at and allowing you to plan on a monthly basis goal by goal.  If the bad boy Goaldigger diary doesn’t motivate you I dunno what will!

If you are not in the practicing of goal setting I really urge you to sit down and have a think about all aspects of your life. Where do you want to be achieving more and how can you get there. When we write a goal down that goal becomes real. Go a step further and share the goal with a friend. Then start planning your actions. You will be amazed what you can achieve. Remember write a SMART goal and break that goal down into actionable tasks to achieve!

I hope this short blog gives you the motivation you need to set some goals for 2019! Even better I would love to hear what they are in the comments below!