4 top tips for making a successful career transition

A question I get asked all the time by friends and family is ‘how do I successfully transition into a new career’. Gone are the days where people work for one organisation, in one job type for their entire career. The job market is no longer linear. In 2018 progressing through the ranks is not the only career choice. Whilst we see some candidates following non-traditional career paths changing or transitioning careers completely can still feel like a really huge deal! Frankly, many see it as impossible.

Well the good news, changing careers is absolutely not impossible. The bad? You just need to have the balls to go through with it and put in the hard work to match! That’s right, I never said it was going to be easy, but it can be done.

So here are my 4 top tips for making that all-important and life changing career transition.

 1. Self Assessment – Discover your transferable skills

Once you have decided on a new career it’s really important to assess your skill level and how well you could actually do the new job. You may find you have a lot of transferable skills that will allow you to be competent in the new career choice. My recommendation is take a paper and pen and write down the current skills you use in your job. Start thinking about how you can sell these skills when applying for a new role. You will need to sell your transferable skills on paper (resume & cover letter) and in person interviewing.

2. Networking – Meet Ups should be your best friend (or allow you to make new ones ;))

If you are simply apply for jobs online when trying to transition careers you are most likely going to find it fairly difficult. My advice, go and meet people that currently do the job you would like to transition into. Build a network and understand the industry. Securing a job is so much about who you know, not what you know (that does come into play). Attend local meet ups, ask someone you look up to in the industry for a coffee. Their advice and connections could be invaluable. You’ll need to stick at this, as networking is not a one time solution!  

3. Extra projects or side hustle city

What better way to showcase you can do a job than by having done it before! At your current workplace you could ask to be part of projects that allow you to work on new skills relevant to your career change. If this isn’t an option consider starting a side hustle so you can gain new skills. So many skills can be learnt from running a business of your own and it 100% shows you are serious about the move!

4. Be a book worm

The final option for you could be to complete more study. This doesn’t have to mean back to university. It could mean a short course or using free online resources such as edX. Additional study can help you career transition however do remember employers want to see this study in action!

I hope a few of those ideas help you with that big career transition. Remember it won’t be easy, but it absolutely can be done.

Peace out homies and happy job hunting!